Free Rental Gear
Precision’s industry leading rental gear is at your fingertips. Whether you’re into tournament ball or prefer something more tactical, we’ve got you covered!
Free Air Fills
All air fills are included in Precision’s membership.
Free Tactical Field Entry
Membership grants you free access to our original tactical paintball field, every time you come out!
Free Entry to The Woods
Membership gets you into our legendary woodsball course, for free, every time!
50% Off NXL Field Entry
The only thing more exciting than the speed of this field is the amount of paint in the air. Members receive a 50% discount on entry to this attraction.
Membership pays for itself in just 6 visits per year playing Traditional Paintball!
Once the transaction comes through, we'll reply to the email to make sure we have the name of our New Member for our database (in case you're buying for someone else)!
By clicking “Become a Member”, you are authorizing Precision Paintball, LLC to charge you a one time $20 setup fee and $15 per month, until you decide to cancel the membership. There is no minimum contract time, but you agree to provide us with notification, in writing (email), that you would like to cancel your membership. If cancelled, the setup fee will apply to reinstate the member, as our system does not allow us to keep information on file.